posted by Watziznem at 3:48 pm
Strangely, I've clicked almost an exactly same thing. Is this in some houses on some hills near Pune by any chance?
By Rohini, at 12:36 pm, December 19, 2009's from Gandhiji's Ashram in Ahmedabad
By Watziznem, at 8:42 am, December 29, 2009
I’ve always been mad, I know I’ve been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you’re mad, even If you’re not mad...
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Strangely, I've clicked almost an exactly same thing. Is this in some houses on some hills near Pune by any chance?
Rohini, at 12:36 pm, December 19, 2009's from Gandhiji's Ashram in Ahmedabad
Watziznem, at 8:42 am, December 29, 2009
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