
Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Questions, questions, questions....

Why am I staying so late in the office, when I should be fast asleep in my bed? Why am I writing this blog, with eyes resembling rivers of blood? Why does everyone on the road think that they are playing a videogame? Why do authors think it mandatory to put some esoteric latin phrases in their books? Why are American public so gullible, so as to believe whatever drivel the Chimp churns out? Why are they always 'proud' beauties? Why is interest in Wodehouse always thought to be adoloscent? Why can't I tell the direction of East, anywhere, anytime without certainty? Why does VHP (or RSS) think it is the voice of Hindus? Why do America and Australia have immigration laws? Why do I try to be funny, when I know I'm not? .....

....damn all questions


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