Is it Love?
Love is a global phenomena..
Love could happen anywhere anytime...
Love has happened to has happened to me..
Love could happen at wierdest of all times...its always a surprise...
at times when you are just sitting over a boring lecture..
I have felt that happening...and it hurts!
I still don't know what is the purpose of love...may be i'll never know it..
may be love makes us stronger...may be love helps us fight the odds in life..
may be love is a learning...may be love is knowing you are right
or may be that you are wrong....
When ever i am in a love situation.. i always look at the opposite sex.
do they feel the same...?
do they know that its they know that they are going through
the same "love" as i am??...and i have always found the answer to be yes..!
But surprisingly...!! After i am done with love...and i think about others,
say, when i ask anyone (not necessarily the opposite sex) how does it feel to be loved ?..
the answer is always in a same template "Got Scr**ed.... or not !"
I don't know if that is the intention of love is to scr***..
but that seems to be the end result of it..
I hate that.... i hate it like i never hated anything before..
to me love has to be harmless, effortless and undemanding..
to be free from any obligation...
love can't be graded... love is love..
but whatever love i see here...its not what i like...
So from the deepest of my heart i hate love..
yes I hate love...!
But needless to happens..again and again..!!!
though not regular thesedays...but it still happens..
All these inferences takes me to an obvious conclusion..
Love is like anything i hate...a global phenomena
Unstoppable...all you can do is enjoy it.. for eg,
re-read the whole passage with "quiz" instead of "love"
it should make sense... :-))
Amazing, isn't it?? Having just completed a week with quizzes on each and every day, I completely empathize with that guy!